Friday, March 14, 2025


Hooray!  We're back to our originally scheduled dates for camp, June 23rd-27th!  

Monday, March 3, 2025

Sorry We're Full

All of our programs are full for 2025.  Our wait lists are also full so we cannot take anymore kids on it either.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Some Programs are Full

Kindergarten through 5th grades, and first time CA programs are currently full.  If you would like to be added to the waitlist for those grades please email us with the subject line "Waitlist".  In your email please include your daughter's name and current grade.  We are working to see if we can open any additional spaces.

We have a couple of spaces available for 6th graders (LIAs) and experienced CAs.

Registration is Now Open

(Please be sure you have read the posts below this one for our camp details)

·        You will need to fill out a registration for each family member coming to camp. This can be done at the same time by clicking the “Add Another Registration” button at the bottom of the form after your signature, before the payment. You will have to reenter some of the same information such as address, phone number, etc. Unfortunately, to not do this would require us to upgrade to a more expensive plan and we don’t think that’s a good use of our resources.

·        You must choose the current grade your camper is in when filling the form out. The system will automatically have your total due at the end. If a grade is full, you will receive a red note stating Participation Registration quantity exceeded. You will not be able to register for that grade. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please email us at asking to be put on the waiting list. Include your camper name and current grade.

·        Everyone needs to be a currently registered Girl Scout.  There is a link in the form that will take you to the Girl Scouts of Western Washington registration site if you need to do this.  Be sure to see our post below titled, "How to Register for Girl Scouts".  If you are not in a troop, you will register as an individual member. On the registration form, when it asks for troop number, enter IRM if not in a troop.

·         If you want to order an extra shirt (optional), answer yes and that will be added to your total.

·         7th – 12th Grade can order sweatshirts. Again, this will be added to your total.

·         Signatures need to be typed in.

·         Payment can be made by check, participation credits (formerly cookie dough), financial aid, or credit card.  There will be a processing fee added for using a credit card.

·         If using cookie dough, you will need to include the cookie dough card number, expiration date, and CVC code.

·         Financial aid may be available through Girl Scouts. There is a link in the registration form to apply for financial aid.  Girl Scout registration can also be paid with financial aid if needed. Day Camps are considered to be an event rather than a camp. Girls using financial aid are allowed 3 events per year and 1 camp. You can also contact us at for possible scholarships if you do not qualify for financial aide through GSWW.

·         Once you submit your registration form, you will receive an email that states we have received the Registration (step 1).  There will also be a link for the Camper Release form (required for each camper in Kindergarten – 5th grade), as well as a link for the Get to Know My Camper/LIA form.  Links to the additional steps are also posted in the details below.

      The links to registration have now been added into the posts below for each age group.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Our 2025 camp theme is “Tracks and Trails”.  We will be discovering the wildlife of the forest!  We have a lot of fun and interesting forest animal activities in the works!  Of course, we will also spend plenty of time on tried and true camp favorites such as s’mores, songs, games, making new friends, exploring nature, and being in the great outdoors.  It is going to be a FABULOUS week of camp!

We plan to be running at full capacity this year so please be sure to register right away to be sure to get a spot for your camper.  Tell your friends and neighbors not to delay to get a spot in camp before we fill.

For more details about our theme and rescheduled camp dates be sure to see the posts below from Jan. 29th and Feb. 13th.

I can't wait to "Discover - Enjoy - Belong" with all of you!   


Camp Details:

Camp Dates: June 25th – 27th and June 30th – July 1st This is Wednesday-Friday and the following Monday-Tuesday

Registration Begins: February 22nd  

Registration closes: When the age group is filled or April 1st (whichever is first).  Last year some age groups filled up the first weekend of registration.

Registration Details: 

*** All registration will be online ***


Age specific details are posted below in separate posts divided by age level. Please be sure to read all the information.


Valley Day Camp is a volunteer run Girl Scout camp.  All campers, teens, and volunteers must be registered Girl Scouts before registering for our camp.  If you are not a registered Girl Scout please be sure to read the post below titled “How to Register as a Girl Scout – Helpful Tips.” (scroll down quite a ways)


We do not want any girls to miss out on camp due to finances.  If you need financial assistance please apply through GSWW at Financial Aid Info Here if you do not qualify through GSWW please email us directly at for additional assistance through camp donations.


If you would like to help offset costs for another camper please add any amount to your camp payment as a donation.

We will email you within 72 hours of your registration being completed (all forms and payment) to let you know we have received it.  Please be sure to use an email address you check regularly as this is where we will send you any camp emails.

Please read the posts below for important, age specific details

There are three separate posts:

  • one for campers (currently in grades Kindergarten-5th)
  • one for our LIA program (current 6th graders)
  • one for our teen CA programs, (currently in grades 7th – 12th)

If you have any questions please email us at

First Timers

If this is your first time at Valley Day Camp use this link for a document with even more information about our camp.  Click Here for First Timer Details

Campers: current Kindergarten-5th grades - FULL

Registration: (K-5th grade are now closed because they are full)

Camper registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.  Your registration will NOT be processed until all forms and payment are complete, and attendee is verified as a registered Girl Scout.

Camp is likely to fill quickly, the sooner your completed registration is received the better.  The registration deadline is April 1st or when the appropriate unit fills, whichever comes first.  We typically fill before the deadline, so please do not wait to get your registration in.


You will need to complete ALL steps of the registration and submit full payment, or apply for financial aid, before we will begin processing your registration.  Please note that the registration is multiple steps and you must complete ALL of them before we can begin to process your registration.  


Campers may request ONE “buddy” for camp.  BOTH campers must request each other and both be in the same grade in order for us honor their buddy request and ensure their placement in the same unit together. 


Many families find it convenient to have an extra camp shirt so you don’t have to do laundry every night of camp. Additional camp shirts are $12.00 for campers. Extra shirts are only available with your initial registration.


We don’t allow any early pick-ups or drop offs so please plan accordingly.


We will email you by April 1st to confirm whether your daughter has a space at camp. 

We realize it is inconvenient to have to wait to find out if you have a space in camp but we run our registration this way in an attempt to serve the maximum number of girls possible. It pains us to have to turn girls away! However, there are many factors that we have to consider to maintain our high program standards.

Camp Costs:

$175 for campers (current Kindergarten-5th grades)

$12 for optional extra camper shirt (so you don’t have to do laundry every day)

Registration for these ages is closed.

Click Here for Camper Release for Check Out Form

Click Here for Get to Know My Camper Form

LIA Details - FULL

Our Leader In Action Award Program (LIA) is for current 6th graders. 

Our LIAs spend their morning learning leadership skills and planning activities to lead with younger campers.  In the afternoon LIAs spend an hour working with our younger campers and use the rest of their time to enjoy the camp activities themselves.


LIAs will have a group activity shortly before camp (date TBD).  It is highly recommended for LIAs to attend this but it isn’t mandatory. 


LIA registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis.  You will need to complete ALL steps of the registration, submit full payment or apply for financial aid, and be verified as a registered Girl Scout before we will begin processing your registration.  Please note that the registration is multiple steps and you must complete ALL of them before we can begin to process your registration.  


We will contact you by April 1st to confirm whether your LIA has a space at camp.


Many families find it convenient to have an extra camp shirt so you don’t have to do laundry every night of camp. Additional shirts are $16.00 for LIAs.  Extra shirts are only available with your initial registration.


Camp Costs:

LIA registration $175

Extra camp shirt (to save on laundry) $16

Click Here for Get to Know my LIA Form

CA Details - FULL

Our teen leadership programs are very important parts of our camp.  We believe that our teens are the future leaders of our community and our world.  We strive to give them a unique and fun leadership experience that will benefit them for many years to come. 
We wish we could take every applicant to our programs but many factors make this impossible for us to do.  Before you apply for our leadership programs please read the information below carefully. 
7th-12th graders must attend the mandatory camp training all day on Saturday, June 21st.  There will be one other training session prior to camp, date and time TBD.
Leadership programs have longer hours than campers.  They start earlier and stay later than the campers.  CAs arrive at 8:45 and leave at 4:30.  Teens are expected to stay for the entire time, except for an emergency.
CA registrations are not completely processed on a first come, first served basis.  Our teen programs fill quickly so it’s important to get your registration and application turned in as soon as possible.  Sometimes it is only open for a couple of days.
You will need to complete ALL steps of the registration, application*, and submit full payment before we will begin processing your registration.  Please note that the registration is multiple steps and you must complete ALL of them before we can begin to process your registration.  
*Teen registrations also require an application that is completed by the teen them self.  You’ll find the application link below.  You will not be considered for a CA position unless we have your complete registration, payment, and CA application before the CA registration closes. 

We will contact you by April 1st to confirm whether your CA has a space at camp.

 C  Camp Costs:

CA registration $90 (for those who have already had Valley Day Camp CA Training)

First Time CA registration $150 (for first time Valley Day Camp CAs)

Extra camp shirt (to save on laundry) $16

Camp sweatshirt (only available for CAs and volunteers) $45

How to Register as a Girl Scout - Helpful Tips

Every person at camp must be a registered Girl Scout.  If your camper is not already a Girl Scout you’ll need to use the link below to register.  You do not have to join a troop or do any other Girl Scout activities, but you are welcome to!

The past few years we’ve heard of people practically pulling their hair out when trying to register.  Save your sanity!  Take our advice!

#1 Do NOT try to use a mobile device.  The option you need doesn’t show up there.  You must use a computer.  No computer access?  Use ours.  On Saturday, February 22nd from 1:00-3:00 we will be at Stillwater Elementary celebrating World Thinking Day and we will have a lap top set up and ready for anyone who needs it to register.

#2 Use these instructions.  The system is not intuitive to all but these instructions detail the unusual steps and answers you need to make it through.   For Instructions Click Here

#3 If it’s still not working for you please contact us.

To Register as a Girl Scout go online to Click Here to Register as a Girl Scout

Thursday, February 13, 2025


It's crazy!  We started this camp more than 20 years ago and we're about to try something we've never done before.  

Due to the number of missed school days we have a problem.  It is now likely school will still be in session when we were due to be at camp.  We have looked at every possible option and have thought long and hard on how to adjust.  All of the options have a down side.  For example, if we bump back a week, camp will be going over the 4th of July.  We know our solution won't work for everyone, but we chose the option that is best for camp as a whole and hopefully for most of the families of our campers.  It's unconventional, but we sincerely hope it will work for you!  

Valley Day Camp will still be 5 days but now will be held on Wednesday, June 25th, Thursday June, 26th, Friday, June 27th and then continuing Monday, June 30th and Tuesday, July 1st.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Valley Day Camp 2025 

Tracks and Trails

Join us as we discover the amazing wildlife of the forest!  It's going to be an amazing week filled with frogs, deer, rabbits, foxes, raccoons, skunks, beavers, bobcats, and more!  We have a lot of fun things in the works, and hope you will be able to join us!

Mark your calendar because registration will open on Saturday, February, 22nd.  All the details will be posted here on the blog in the week before that.

We plan to host camp June 25th - 27th as well as June 30th and July 1st. We'll still keep all our fingers crossed for no more school closures.

If you are attending the SU 441 Thinking Day celebration on February 22nd, please stop by our booth to say hello.  

We hope to see you all at camp! 


Friday, January 10, 2025

Join the Email List

If you were at camp in 2023 or 2024 you're already on our email list.  If you didn't attend camp in 2023 or 2024 and would like to be added to our email list please contact us at