Monday, July 1, 2024

Final Post for 2024 Camp Season

Thank you all for an amazing week of camp! 

This will be my last blog post for this camp season.  A few important things to remember:
  • Watch for an email from us that will have important information for you on how to access TONS of photos from camp. (in about a week)
  • Our emails always come from Valley DAY Camp!  We know there is a scammer out there that occasionally sends emails trying to get people to click on their links from an email that looks similar to ours (they leave out the word "Day").  Our only email address is and we do not use any other email addresses.
  • We have already begun to work on camp for 2025!  Last night the Core Staff met and chose the new theme.  It's a really awesome one and promises to be an amazing adventure.  I will post the theme and camp registration update on February 1st so be sure to put it on your calendar!
  • Someone left the above artwork in the art station.  I love it!  Did you make it?  If so I would love to know who made it, and also if you want it back, or may I please keep it?  
I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you again at camp next year and all around town too!

Lost and Found

These are the items in the Lost & Found that did not have names on them.  If you see anything that is yours please email us and we'll coordinate with you to pick them up.  We will hold on to the items until July 15th and then donate anything that has not been claimed.

There were also items in the Lost and Found that had names on them.  These items are not pictured.  We'll contact you individually to let you know we have your item and will coordinate with you to pick them up. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Collectible Camp Buttons


Are you building your Camp Button collection?  
Each year we have a new button to represent the theme for that year!  
We also have buttons for 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, and 20 years (we'll add on as we age).  There is one for being a LIA and one your first year as a CA as well.  
Take good care of your buttons because we don't replace lost buttons.  Some people keep them on their name tag and keep it in a safe place.  Some people put them on their bulletin board, store them with keepsakes, or keep them with their other Girl Scout memorabilia.  Maybe someone keeps them locked in their safe?  
If collecting buttons isn't your thing, no worries, we'll still give you one each year and it's yours to do with as you please.

Stay tuned...Lost & Found photos coming soon

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Fabulous Friday!

Friday was a fabulous day!  At Valley Day Camp Friday is party day!  In the morning the CAs provide the whole camp entertainment with their CA Skit.  After lunch the LIAs lead songs on the stage.  Then we have a big party with lots of activities and the whole afternoon is free choice time.  We had many of the popular activities from the week, such as, parachute, relays, Olympic games, boondoogle, water play, arts and crafts, s'mores, dress up, Great Wall, and the Gold Medal station where each person thought about what they were best at this week and were awarded a Gold Medal in that skill!  It's hard to catch many photos at the party!  But there will be many more photos to share next week too.

Another special "Friday Only" activity is signing shirts.

LIAs leading songs!
Party Fun!

Go for the gold! Gold Medals!  

We finally finished the Olympic Gum Wall!  I bet you're all jealous you don't have one of your own.  Maybe someday we'll have to auction it off! 

Unit Photos

 Thank you Spark for the Thursday Unit photos!  And for being "weather flexible".

Friday, June 28, 2024

No Blog Tonight (Friday)

I won't be able to post tonight because I will be at camp packing up until late.  I'll be back on this weekend to wrap up important details and post new photos.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thankful Thursday!

We're thankful for a lot of things this Thursday! 

  • it was only one day of rainy weather
  • we had a rain break in the middle of the day
  • Units E & F were thankful today was their cooking day so they had warm quiches to eat
  • Unit G was thankful it was their fire building day
  • lots of people helped share ponchos, umbrellas, sweatshirts
  • Roly Poly shared bins and bins of extra hoodies, jackets, etc
  • Units A & F both did excellent flag ceremonies
  • Unit C did their practice so they can do flag tomorrow morning
  • Units A, B, & D made s'mores
  • The LIA unit finished the Valley Day Camp Gum Wall!
  • Spark (camp photographer) came today and took tons of photos.
Despite the rain we had a great day!  I wasn't able to snap very many photos today, but there will be tons to share after camp.  Here's what I captured today:

Diligently working on the gum wall!

Delicious handmaid quiches!

Tooth fell out at camp!
Chilly morning in Unit A!

My mom said she wishes she saw more of me.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wacky and Wonderful Wednesday

What a wonderful weather day!  Well...for most of us it was wonderful, but for those who didn't bring a jacket or sweatshirt it was a little chilly.  Tomorrow you will probably really need a jacket, sweatshirt, rain coat, or maybe a combination of those.  We are likely to get a bit wet tomorrow so be sure to think about that when you pick out your shoes.

No matter the weather we always have a fabulous day of camp!  It was a busy day so I wasn't able to get as much variety of photos as usual, but don't worry, our leaders snapped tons and tons of them and after camp we'll give you a special link to see them all!

For the first time in Valley Day Camp history the water level of the lake is so low we can actually go under it!
Unit A learned kitchen knife safety and made their own fruit skewers...(what do you mean marshmallows aren't fruit?)

In the Olympic Games Station there were lots of fun activities, Boxing was very popular!

Ax throwing was too!
Teamwork is always important and you really need it to be successful with Teamwork Walkers!
The ever popular Chariot Races!

Learning lashing is both useful and fun!
And are the Olympics ever complete without feeding Zeus?  In the ancient Greek Olympics they provided barbecued meat to Zeus, but at Valley Day Camp we think throwing barbecued corn nuts to Zeus is close enough.

See you tomorrow!...  The secret word will be "cheese"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Terrific Tuesday

Wow!  What a terrific day today!  Yes, we did get a little hot...but some of us did get to spend time in water play!  I told the whole camp they need a bath or a shower tonight. 

We had many of the same activities today as we did yesterday, but different groups got to do them.  Some of the campers made s'mores, some made sun catchers, some did Olympic Games like feeding Zeus, Chariot races, and ax throwing, while some made quiches, worked on the Great Wall, or explored nature finding frogs and deer tracks.  It was really a terrific day!

The Wall continues to grow!
Free time fun!
Chariot Races!
Unit B made a chain with their LIAs!
Popsicles for everyone!
Team Time was Terrific Too!
Water Play!
Sooo much singing!