Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Only 18 days until Day Camp!!!

Wow, can you believe camp is almost here? Our camp staff has been hard at work preparing for a very exciting week of camp. We know there is a lot of information you will need to know before camp so we will be posting here on a regular basis. Please be sure to keep checking in.

Camp begins at 9:30 and ends at 4:00 from Monday, June 22nd – Friday the 26th.

Family Barbeque and Camp Program: On Thursday, June 25th from 4:15-6:15 we will host our annual Family Barbeque. The cost of $3 per person will be collected at the event. The gate will open for parking at 3:45.

If your daughter will need to take any type of medication at camp we need all of the proper forms. We must have the Parental Permission Form and the Medical Provider form. The second form must be signed by a doctor. You can find these forms at

We have tons more information to give out between now and camp please check back for future updates.

See you all soon,