Monday, June 21, 2010

Wow, what a great day at camp! We went on a hike to the far side of the lake, learned about the wild life with Dr. D, played games with Crow and Pagemaster, made S’mores with Puma, went to scrapbooking with Daisy, made our own lunches (which were delicious), enjoyed spending time with our PAs, had two flag ceremonies, made name tags at leather working, and much, much more!

Thank you so much for hanging in there through parking. The first day is always the toughest. We appreciate all the wonderful carpools and hope we will have even more tomorrow!

If your daughter is in Units B, C, or D they will need to bring a food item to camp on Friday for a unit cooking project. Your camper will have more information for you tomorrow.

Get a good night sleep, pack a filling lunch (campers expend a lot of energy), fill your water bottles, and we will see you tomorrow morning!
