Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Today was our big ROCK contest!  Campers entered rocks of all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures.  Every camper who entered a rock into the contest will receive a participation prize tomorrow.  We also have small trophies to award to some of the most outstanding rocks.

Bubbles, bubbles, in the air,
Bubbles, bubbles, here and there,
Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere.
You would not believe the wonderful experiences we had with bubbles today!  There were some really big bubbles floating around camp.

The theater box was very popular today.

We had a wonderful time in our Rock and Roll time with Mrs. Rachel from Duvall Performing Arts!

At "Fires with Fibonacci" we roasted marshmallows, made s'mores, and learned about thedifferent types of fires.  (The fires above were for practice building only and were not lit.) 
At Valley Day Camp even a visit to the First Aid station is fun!  Our camp certainly rocks!