Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Barbeque Details

The Family Barbeque and Skit Program will be Friday after camp. 
Campers must be officially signed out and under the supervision of their parent/guardian or other adult designated by their parent/guardian.
If your camper will not be staying for the barbeque please inform your Unit Leaders by Friday morning.
Any campers not staying for the barbeque need to be picked up promptly at 4:00.
The cost of the barbeque is $5 per person (cash or check only).
Anyone coming to attend the barbeque should arrive between 4:10-4:25.  Please do NOT come early as we will not be able to park you until we release campers who are going home.
At 4:30 we will begin our flag ceremony which will be followed by the song and skit program.  Afterwards we will dismiss by units to the barbeque lines.

The songs and skits are super important to the campers.  Please, please, please refrain from talking during the performances.  It is very difficult to hear the little cuties so we need all the help we can get.

Please feel free to bring camp chairs and picnic blankets.  We do not have any seating for the songs and skits and do not have enough eating space for all.

We really look forward to celebrating our 10 year anniversary with you!!!