Saturday, February 23, 2013

Registration Paperwork

You will find our registration forms using the link below. The forms are age specific with one for campers going into 1st-6th grades, one for PA Training, one for PAs, and one for adults. You will need to complete ALL pages of the Registration Forms and submit full payment before we will begin processing your registration.  Please note that the registration form is multiple pages and you must return ALL of them before we can begin to process your registration.  PAs and PAITs need to include the separate application with their registration.

Camper registration is processed on a first come, first served basis. Your registration will NOT be processed until it is complete. Registration deadline is April 1st or when the appropriate unit fills, whichever comes first.

PA and PAIT registration is based on a variety of factors including; date of registration, application, past performance, and camp needs.

If you wish to receive confirmation that we have received your registration you must send an email with your daughter(s) name(s) in the subject line to We will reply within one week to let you know that we have received your registration but this is NOT confirmation that your daughter has a reserved space in camp. We will email you again by April 1st to confirm whether your daughter has a space at camp.

We realize it is inconvenient to have to wait to find out if you have a space in camp but we run our registration this way in an attempt to serve the maximum number of girls possible. It pains us to have to turn girls away! However, there are many factors that we have to consider to maintain our high program standards.

Cancellations must be in writing to by May 1st. NO refunds will be issued after May 1st.

Many families find it convenient to have an extra camp shirt so you don’t have to do laundry every night of camp. Additional camp shirts are $9.00 but they are only available with your initial registration.

Checks should be made out to Valley Day Camp.

Please mail completed registration to:
Valley Day Camp
P.O. Box 997
Duvall, WA 98019

Questions about registration should be directed to
Click Here For Registration Forms
(after clicking above you will need to click on the blue box to see the documents)