Monday, June 17, 2013

Camp Gear

What does my camper NEED to bring to camp?
  • 2 full water bottles (if you freeze one they will stay cool all day)
  • A BIG Lunch (kids eat a lot more at camp than at school)
  • Layers of clothing and jackets - the weather varies a lot
  • Sunscreen - put it on before camp and then the camper can reapply in the afternoon
  • Camp appropriate shoes (close toed and good for running and jumping)
  • Camp shirt (given on Monday)- must be worn every day or we will send you home to get it

Optional Items:
  • Bug spray
  • Rain boots (if your camper wears rain boots to camp please be sure they have other shoes in their backpack)
  • Extra socks
  • Food scraps and bread to feed to the pigs and goats