Friday, June 21, 2013

Family Barbeque and song-Skit Program

This is NOT an official invitation.  On Thursday the 27th we hope to host our Family Barbeque and Song-Skit Program.  The campers love to perform for a big audience, parents get to come in to enjoy camp, and we love getting to know our camp families better.

The reason this is tentative information instead of an actual invitation is because the event is weather and parking dependent.  We are a tough group of campers, a little rain (or even a lot) never deters us from having fun at camp.  However, when it comes to the barbeque our problem is that the rain softens the ground and then when we park everyone in all of our play space it ruins all of the grass and creates ruts where there shouldn't be any.

On Tuesday we will make our decision about the Family Barbeque.  Please be sure to check here for additional information.   In the meantime, if you can, please hold the tentative date and time of Thursday from 4:00-6:00.