Monday, June 24, 2013

Magificent Monday

We had a fabulous day at camp today!  Early in the day there was a bit of a fine "sea spray" but it didn't last long.  We had a big treasure hunt, made our own lunches, face painted, learned fire safety, sang songs, played games, fed the pigs, did leather working, learned first aid, played with the parachute, hiked to the far dock, learned knots and lashing, plus much, much more!  Below you will find photos we snapped today.  Please be sure to check back here tomorrow for more updates.

  • All additions to your camper's pick up permission form need to be given directly to your camper's unit leader. 
  • Today was the only day we cook lunch at camp, the rest of the week you need big sack lunches.
  • Thanks for carpooling!  It makes a huge difference.  Without awesome carpooling we have to accept less kids into camp.
  • Tomorrow will be even more fun than today so be sure to get to bed early.