Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wet but Wonderful Wednesday

Wow, what a day!  We had a fantastic time doing a million activities.  Every group had different fun things going on all day.  Then in the middle of the day we had an impromptu song and skit program in the cabana (this may or may not have been caused by the downpour). 

We are very, very sad to report that we do have to cancel our barbeque plans for tomorrow.  If you were at camp today you probably noticed how torn up the grass is at the drop off and pick up area.  For the barbeque we have to park the cars in all  over our "camp use" fields.  The ground is simply too wet to park on.  The Loutsis family graciously lets us destroy the grass in the drive thru but we can not ask them to give up their field too.  Besides, where would the kids play on Friday and next year if we tear it all up now?  Last year we actually had to have some cars pulled out by the tractor.

If your daughter is in Unit B or C please be sure to have them tell you all about Stone Soup.  I will send you an email about this tonight. 

Unit J started working on their catapult!

Unit A did the afternoon flag ceremony.

Unit C did the morning flag ceremony.

Campers are never cleaner than they are after they carve soap!

These fishing buddies caught the first fish of the day! They named him Zippy.

 Unit A loved fishing so much that they used sticks and leaves to practice even more fishing on land.

Unit E made Pirate Treasure boxes