Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fabulous Fourth Day

It was another another fabulous day at camp!  We played hard!  I bet everyone will sleep well tonight.  This week has flown by so quickly that we can't believe it's almost at an end.  Most of the year I wish a week was a little shorter, but this week I wish a week was a little longer.

Tomorrow night (Friday) I probably won't be able to get a new post up because I'll be busy at camp working on getting everything packed up and ready to load out.  I'll do my best to get one up on Saturday evening after out pack out is completed.  I'll continue to collect photos and make a post of each unit, but it may take me a few days to get them all up. I'll also photograph the Lost & Found if there is anything left in it.

Thank you so much for sharing your daughters with us this week.  It is truly a pleasure and and honor to have them.  For many of us at camp it is our favorite week of the year and we hope it is yours too.  We hope you'll join us again next year!