Saturday, February 16, 2019

PA & PAIT Details

Our teen leadership programs are very important parts of our camp.  We believe that our teens are the future leaders of our community and our world.  We strive to give them a unique and fun leadership experience that will benefit them for many years to come. 
PA = Program Aide, going into 9th grade or above who has already completed the VDC PA training program
PAIT = Program Aide in Training, girls going into 8thgrade or above who haven’t taken the VDC PA training program

We wish we could take every applicant to our programs but many factors make this impossible for us to do.  Before you apply for our leadership programs please read the information below carefully.  Please note there is some brand new information for this year.

·         PAs and PAITs must attend the mandatory camp training all day on Saturday, July 6th.  If you absolutely can’t make it on the 6th we will offer a make-up day for this training on Sunday, July 7th.  Any PA or PAIT who does not attend the pre-camp training will not be able to attend camp and no refunds will be given for the week.

·         Due to the nature of the leadership programs no one may leave early from camp or miss a day of camp, except for an emergency.  If your schedule won’t allow you to participate EVERY day of the camp, Monday through Friday for ALL the scheduled hours then please plan to apply another year when your schedule will allow you to participate fully.

·       Leadership programs have longer hours than campers.  They start earlier and stay later than the campers.  The exact times will be emailed as we get closer to camp. 

·       PA and PAIT registrations are not processed on a first come, first served basis.  Once these programs are closed no registrations will be accepted for consideration.  We will use the date of the postmark to determine whether the registration was mailed before the closure of the program.  Incomplete registrations will not be considered until they are complete.  Both programs fill quickly so it’s important to get your registration and application turned in as soon as possible.

·       PA and PAIT registrations also require an application that is completed by the PAIT or PA herself.  This year the application is online.  Past PAs and upcoming PAITs should have received the link by email.  If you need the link please email us at and we will send it to you.  Applications can be submitted right away, but be sure to get your registration in the mail too.  Registration paperwork will be available here the evening of February 23rd.  You will not be considered for a PA or PAIT position until we have your complete registration and application.

     Camp Costs:
PA registration $75
PAIT registration $125
Optional extra camp shirt (to save on laundry) $12
Optional camp sweatshirt (only available for PAs, PAITs, and volunteers) $38

Important Dates:
Camp: July 8th-12th
Camp Training (mandatory): July 6th

(Links Removed when program closed on 2/27/19)