Friday, February 7, 2020

Camp Info for 2020

Valley Day Camp will be held June 22nd-26th

Registration paperwork will be posted here on the evening of Saturday, March 7th.

New This Year: Live Registration
We'll be trying something new this year for registration.  In addition to the regular "put it in the mail" method we will be hosting a live, in-person registration in Duvall on Sunday, March 8th from 3:00-5:00 at the Redemption Church Hub located at 15305 Main Street NE Duvall.  You'll be able to hand your registration directly to us and verify that we have all of your information correctly added into our system.  You will also be able to ask any questions you may have and see our t-shirt sizes too.   Most importantly you won't need to worry about whether your registration will make it to us or get lost in the mail.  We hope to see you on the 8th.  If you are not able to register in person we'll still be accepting registrations by mail as well.

PAs and PAITs will have a choice between filling out the regular PA & PAIT Application or coming to the Live Registration Event for a seven minute, in person interview with Sweet Pea.
The cost for campers, LIAs, and PAITs is $135
The cost for PAs (who have already taken PAIT training at our camp) is $85
Full time volunteers receive a 50% discount

Camp Theme:
As you probably already figured out from the logo above, our theme this year is:

Let's Do This! 
  -Be Bold
  -Be Strong
  -Be Tough
We'll be doing a lot of our traditional camp favorite activities (such as s'mores, flag ceremonies, songs, games, cooking, and lunch at the far dock) but we'll also challenge ourselves to Be Bold and try new things, Be Strong by working together to tackle team challenges, and to Be Tough by choosing challenges for ourselves and giving them our all.  We have a lot of fun things in store for this will definitely not want to miss this one!

New to Valley Day Camp?
If you are checking out our camp for the first time, welcome!  We consistently hear from campers, teens, and parents that our camp is the best thing they do all summer.  We really hope you'll join us this year!  You probably have lots of questions.  This link will answer some of them for you. Click Here for First Timer Details

As always, we're looking forward to an amazing camp week!  We'll post registration details and paperwork here on March 7th.