Thursday, June 25, 2020

Make the World a Better Place - Beautify Your Neighborhood

Where is your neighborhood?  Is it the street you live on?  Is it an assigned group of homes?  Or is it larger than that?  Does it incorporate the parks, schools, and businesses in your area?  All of these can be included in your neighborhood.  The part of your neighborhood you choose to beautify is all up to you.

There are a lot of ways to beautify your neighborhood.  
Here are some ideas we had.  Feel free to add anything else you think of.
  • Clean up trash – safely, use protective gear, be careful of traffic
  • Make chalk drawings and nice notes
  • Post friendly signs (make sure to take them down when they get old or worn out)
  • Plant flowers
  • Pull weeds
  • Wave and smile
No matter what you choose please be safe!  Watch out for traffic, wear protective gear whenever necessary, and check with your parents before you implement your ideas.