Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Trash Service


 At camp we do not have any garbage service.  Everything we pack in we have to pack out. 

When you pack your camper's lunch please note they will be bringing all of their lunch trash back home with them.  You may find it helpful to include a resealable container or ziploc bag for them to put all of their trash in so the inside of their lunch box doesn't get extra messy.

Each day a member of each unit will take home any trash generated in their unit that day (debris from crafts, packaging from snack etc.  This trash will come home in a ziploc bag in your camper's backpack.  We will try very hard not to send the trash home with anyone more than once.  

While I do understand that it's annoying to have to clean trash out of the lunch box/backpack every day I don't think it is reasonable to ask my volunteers to do even more.  They already volunteer a minimum of 50 hours of their time and they take home lots of other camp trash all week.  We all appreciate your understanding on this.