Saturday, February 16, 2019

Important Dates - NEW for 2019

Well, snow-mageddon has certainly created some chaos around here.  We don't know what the Riverview School District will do about all the missed days and we expect it will take them some time to work it all out.  Instead of waiting on pins and needles to find out we've decided to take a proactive approach and move the dates of our camp.  Valley Day Camp will be held July 8th - 12th at the lovely Loutsis Lake.

Our registration paperwork will be posted here on the evening of Saturday, February 23rd.

Thank you for bearing with us as we have rolled with the punches!

Please read the posts below for important details.  

There are three separate posts:

  • one for campers (going into 1st-6th grades in the fall)
  • one for LIAs (going into 7th grade in the fall)
  • one for PAITs and PAs (going into 8th-12th grades in the fall)
Girl Scouts provides financial assistance grants for girls to go to camp.  If you qualify for free or reduced school lunches you'll qualify for financial assistance for Girl Scouts too.  
For more info or to apply click here