Friday, June 26, 2020

Discover - Leak Proof Bag?

Have you ever tried this?  It’s a fun experiment, but you might get wet.  I recommend doing this outside.  If you want to be surprised by the results don’t watch the videos until after you try it yourself.

Pencils (long ones) - Make sure your pencils are nice and sharp.  Another option could be sharp wooden skewers.
A Ziploc bag, try any sizes you want
Optional – a buddy to hold the bag up for you

Fill your Ziploc bag about ¾ full with water and zip it closed.
With one hand you, or your buddy, should firmly hold the zip top part of the bag up so that the bag is hanging/dangling from your hand.
Carefully poke a very sharp pencil through one side of the bag.
Then keep pushing it through the water and poke the sharp end through the other side of the bag.  Stop before the back of the pencil gets into the bag.
You should have the pointy end of your pencil sticking out of one side of the bag and the eraser end should be sticking out of the other side of the bag with the middle of the pencil inside the bag of water.

What happens if you add more pencils?
How many can you use?

Watch the experiment Click Here

How does this work? And more details Click Here

You can also find many more fun experiments at Click Here