Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Go Outside - Nature Scavenger Hunt

For a one page printable of this list click here:Click Here

See if you can find the following items.  We tried to think of a good variety of things so you might not want to try to find them all. 

Can you find…
Leaves that bugs have nibbled on
An interesting rock, what’s interesting about it?
Something that smells stinky
Something the same size as a quarter
Something shaped like a heart
Colors of the rainbow
·         something red
·         something  orange
·         something yellow
·         something green
·         something blue
·         something purple
Something that flies
Something slimy
A dandelion
A fern
A clover
Washington state flower
Washington state tree
Something with
·         0 legs
·          2 legs
·          4 legs
·          6 legs
·          8 legs
Evidence that an animal was there
Something furry
Flower petal
Helicopter seed pods
How many different types of birds can you find?
How many different kinds of birds calls can you hear?