Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Make the World a Better Place

Kids’ Food Drive:
Let’s all work together to make sure kids in our community don’t go hungry this summer!  We’re collecting non-perishable foods that kids like.  What do you like?  Maybe you like cereal, mac & cheese, gold fish crackers, or peanut butter and jelly. Or maybe you like pop-tarts, tuna, spaghetti, or soup.  Whatever you like and want to donate is probably a great option.  At the end of the week we’ll have a location for you to drop off your kid friendly food donations.  Your camp supplies were in a sturdy paper sack so you would have an easy container to transport your donations in.  We’ll let you know the time and location for the drop off later this week.

Help at Home:
What can you do to help out at home today?  Find something you can help with and do it.  It could be sweeping, dusting, cleaning up a mess, organizing something, pulling weeds, or even giving a good back rub.  If you want to be extra helpful you could even do more than one thing.  A lot of times it is more fun to help out with things for other people, but we can’t forget that making the world a better place starts at home!