Our virtual
camp will be more robust and interactive this year! We’re excited to share time together in our camp
community! We have a fun theme planned with
a variety of interesting activities and time together on Zoom. We hope you’ll join us!
Activity Info:
- Our theme for this year is “A Wild and Wacky Week”.
- We’ll post new activities each day of camp.
- All activities are optional; you can do as many or as few as you want.
- Campers will be divided into units by grade levels.
- We will host daily, interactive activities on Zoom from 9:30am-10:30am. Campers, PAs and adult volunteers will work together in their unit on Zoom to play games, sing songs, and enjoy time with our camp friends.
- Some activities will be for the whole camp to participate in and some activities will differ based on age level.
- Most activities will be for campers to do independently at home but some activities will be done or introduced during the daily Zoom time.
- Some activities will be self-explanatory and some will have links to pre-recorded instructions. Sometimes the instructions or examples will take place during the Zoom time but video links will be provided so campers can do it in their own time if they can’t attend during the Zoom time.
- Most of the supplies for the activities will be provided in your camper’s supply kit. Some common household items won’t be supplied. There will also be some supplies you may want to have on hand before camp. We’ll email you in advance to let you know what you might need, s’mores ingredients is an example.
- We plan to have one activity per day that needs in-person support from an adult, for example a cooking project or using a hammer.
Registration Information:
- Registration paperwork can be accessed using the link at the end of this post.
- Registration will be March 29th through April 30th or when our capacity has been reached, whichever comes first.
- Registration for campers is processed on a first come, first served basis.
- All paperwork must be complete in order for a camper or PA to be considered registered.
- Full refunds will be given until May 1st. After May 1st there are no refunds.
- All campers, PAs, and adult volunteers must be currently registered Girl Scouts. Girl Scout registration info can be found on our registration forms.
- The cost for campers is $100 and will cover:
camp shirt and patch
supply kit for your projects
operating expenses for us to host this camp
expenses Valley Day Camp needs to cover for the
whole year, such as storage fees etc.
- It is very important to us that no camper miss out on camp because of the cost. If it is a hardship for a camper to pay the full cost of camp please check the box on the registration form and we will contact you to work out the details. We believe all kids deserve a fun week of camp regardless of their current income.
- If you are inclined to donate to help us offer scholarships or to support camp please let us know this on the registration form.
- Camper supply boxes will be available for you to pick up in Duvall at two different times before camp. If you would prefer to have us ship or deliver your supply kit there is an additional cost of $25.
Miscellaneous, but Important, Details:
- Our Zoom time activities may be recorded to allow kids to view them even if they weren’t able to join in at the time. These videos will not be available to the general public but may be uploaded to a private site for camper use.
- It is possible you might need to have a gmail email address in order to access the activities for the week of camp. If so, we will let you know this in advance.
- Each camper will need a separate device to participate in the Zoom time. If you have more than one camper and this isn’t a possibility for you please contact us so we can help work it out.
Fun Perks for Parents: (since camp is virtual this year)
- No waiting at the parking circle for camper drop off and pick up!
- No need to pack sack lunches!
- No gallon jugs of water to lug to camp each day!
- Less laundry since your camper won’t need to wear their camp shirt all day!
- You can enjoy camp activities with your camper! (at a time that suits you)
If you have any questions please email us
at ValleyDayCamp@gmail.com.
Speaking of
camp email, please be aware that our email is ValleyDAYcamp at GMAIL. We do not
have any other camp email addresses at this time. There is someone who has a “ValleyCamp” email
address (without the word DAY) that occasionally emails a few of us trying to
get us to click on their link. Don’t be fooled. Our emails will always come from Valley DAY
We’re looking forward to having more fun with you at virtual camp this year! We hope to see you soon!
registration paperwork please Click Here