Saturday, June 15, 2024

Camper Drop Off and Pick Up


Drive slowly!  Never more than 5 mph!  Most of the driveway is single lane.

It is a common misconception that arriving a few minutes early or late helps the traffic. Unfortunately early and late arrivals actually cause us to stop traffic in order to clear out the one way portions of the driveway.  In the morning arrive between 9:00-9:15.  For pick up arrive between 3:45-4:00. The first day takes the longest, however it does get better! Please be patient with us as we do our best to get everyone in and out safely and efficiently.  You must stay in your vehicles.  Be prepared to show us your ID to pick up. 

We highly encourage carpooling, even if it’s just meeting up at Safeway and putting girls into one vehicle!  It is very helpful if you print out a unit letter for each unit in your car and put it in your windshield.  This was emailed to you, but there is nothing special about that exact letter.  You are welcome to make your own, or let your daughter make/decorate it.  Just be sure we can clearly read the letter.

We can only release campers to those listed on their check out sheets. If you need to add names, please send us an email to  Please put your daughter’s name in the subject line.  The email must include the full names of anyone you will allow to pick up your camper.  The people most often left off the form are the parent who didn’t fill out the form and the partner of whoever you carpool with.