Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are You Ready?

Hello Day Campers and Parents,
Are you ready to “Take a Walk on the Wild Side”? There are a lot of things you need to know before camp begins on Monday. Please carefully read through the rest of this post and be sure to check back here often as I will be posting more information daily!

Make sure you read the post below this one as the drop off and pick up information is CRITICAL to the success of our camp!

First Day Activities: Marvelous Monday
We will kick start camp by having a “Get to Know Camp” event. Each unit will participate in activities that will help the campers get to know each other, the PAs, and the camp staff. You will learn the ins and outs of camp including where everything is located, any specials camp rules they need to know, and about the fun activities you will do during the week. You will also get to make your own lunch in your units. Unit A will make their own “pizza lunch-ables”, Units B-G will make “taco boats”, and Units H-L will make “English muffin pizzas” in the box ovens. If you think you might not like our lunch then you are welcome to bring a lunch with you. Half of the camp will get to make their name tags in the leather working station and the other half will make s’mores. On Tuesday we will switch and your unit will do whichever activity they didn’t get to do on Monday. There will also be plenty of time for some wild fun with games, songs, hiking, and more.

Camp Shirts:
All campers will receive their Valley Day Camp T-shirt on Monday. This shirt must be worn to camp every day.

Important Details:

  • Make sure you know your campers’ unit letters. You should also know the letters for any other campers you are dropping off or picking up.
  • We will only release campers to people who are listed on the camper release form you signed in March. If you would like to add anyone to the list please email us at
  • You must bring two filled water bottles each day. If one is frozen it will be cool all day. We do not have running water at camp.
  • You will need a sack lunch every day except for Monday. We have no garbage pick up so all lunch trash will be sent back home in your lunch sack.
  • We will do a lot of running, hiking, and playing. You need to wear good shoes for playing - absolutely NO sandals, backless, or open toe shoes.
  • Dress in layers. The weather can change quite a bit. Some days start of cloudy and chilly but turn out to be beautiful later.
  • Bring a hat to keep the sun and rain off your face.
  • Apply your sunscreen and bug spray before coming to camp and bring it with you to reapply later. Campers are not allowed to share sunscreen (even with their siblings). Camp staff is not allowed to put sunscreen or bug spray on campers but they can help direct campers to put it on themselves.
  • Bring a backpack to carry all your stuff.

I can’t wait to “Talk a Walk on the Wild Side” with YOU!!!

P.S. If you have not read the post below please make sure you do as it is very, very important!