Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Our Day in Ancient Greece

Stay tuned...I'll post more photos here tonight in this post.

We had an amazing day in Ancient Greece today!  We experienced the original Olympics, complete with Chariot Racing, Boxing, and more.  We fed Zeus Corn Nuts and then tried to get them back with out incurring his wrath (you'll have to ask your kids to explain).  We had both opening and closing ceremonies as well as earned medals.  We went to a Greek Theatre to see the play "Athena and Arachne" and did a little weaving of our own too.  

Some of the units practiced building fires and lighting matches and some other unit went to cooking to make Monkey Bread or Pie Iron Pies.  We had several birthdays.  There were s'mores being roasted and flag ceremonies too.  Plus there was extra time for free choice activities too.  It was an amazing day and we can't wait to do it again tomorrow!